***It’s Blog Hop Time!
Three Things You Didn’t Know About Me!
1. I may be an accountant now, but I was once an early childhood teacher. I actually have a Bachelor in Early Childhood / Elementary Education -- AND – my MAFM (Masters in Accounting and Financial Management). Some know that, many do not…. I only started working in the accounting field about 2 ½ years ago. I have made a profession out of going to school. HA!
2. I always planned on having many children, well at least more than one child. God had different plans for me and I am ok with that now. After my K was born, I had two back to back tubal pregnancies. I didn’t know I was pregnant either time, which is probably a good thing, as that did not allow me time to get attached to the idea of being pregnant and another child. The first one happened at 10 weeks and the second one happened at 14-16. Yes that is right 14-16 weeks. The pregnancies happened about a year apart.
3. Yes I am living in the “city”, but I am actually pretty countrified. I was born in Texas, raised part of my childhood in Maine, then moved to Oklahoma in the 2nd grade and pretty much been here most every since. I did move off to Arkansas for a semester in Jr. High, but that to me really doesn’t count. I am not as prissy as I appear, however, I do love to pamper myself. We will blame my clothing and shoe addiction on my new profession. I must dress well for my clients Right? A lot of my friends find it funny to think that I used to get up and feed cattle in the morning (before sunrise), I helped pull calves, I harvested wheat, bailed hay, branded cattle…. You know all that great farming stuff, but hey you do what you have to do! I also feel countrified in my cooking-lots of butter in everything! I also love to make my meals homemade-I make great chicken fried steak and fried chicken. I love to cook chicken & Mexican food too.

1 comment:
wow. Texas to Maine.
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