Monday, July 13, 2009

Not Me Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Oh what a weekend! A very long weekend in some ways, but yet a very short weekend in others. Over the weekend I did NOT tell my daughter no, she couldn’t stay the night at a friend’s house and then I most certainly did not change my mind and end up taking her into town at 10pm. I would never back down on my word like that. Not Me! I am a Momma of her words….

I would also never let my daughter and her friends rent scary movie after scary movie to watch late at night with all the lights out. Not Me!, I am not that kind of Momma. I am also not the kind of Momma that would open the door to the spare room (where they were watching the movies) and scream really loud. Nope not me! I would never laugh at the way they all screamed and curled in the fetal position under the covers. Nope - Not Me!

I am also not the one who did nothing all weekend but lay in the pool. Nope, Not Me! I am too much of a busy body to do something like that….

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