Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Seriously folks, it is rush hour. People are rushing to work. Why must you 3 cars go side by side at 15 mph BELOW the speed limit? Do you not realize the world is revolving around you? If you would stop putting on your make up or texting, you might would see the traffic backing up behind you for two miles! What happened to slower traffic keep right?

So you drive this way every day to work… You know the lane is ending, you know you will need over. Why do you feel the urge to hurry and speed to get in front of me, THEN SLOW DOWN? Seriously, look behind my car, there is plenty of room back there!

Oh, you think that’s funny, well let’s offer another piece of advice… you see those two white lines? That’s where you keep your car. Between those two lines. These two lines over here are mine. Your car is not that big… Plus, I don’t feel like sharing my space.

Another thing, just because you have your blinker on, it does NOT mean you can just change lanes at will. You still have to wait for an opening, AND THEN change lanes. There is no magic blinker that just gives you the right to make people slam on their brakes, just to let you in the lane they are traveling in.

Last but not least, I have watched you. YES YOU…. I see you at least 2 times a week in the same spot. You are in the far left lane, when you need to exit right. Please, I beg you, for my sanity… will you stop cutting across FOUR lanes of traffic, just so you can exit. That exit has not moved. It is in the same place as it was yesterday and last week for that matter. Guess what? It will be in the same place tomorrow and next week. You know you are turning there…. Get over sooner. Today you caused an accident, made other people late for work. YOU DIDN’T EVEN NOTICE! So whoever you are in the raised up suburban, with fancy chrome wheels and exits onto the parkway every morning at 6:55am—GET OVER SOONER & STOP CUTTING PEOPLE OFF!



Anonymous said...

Well you are surrounded by a bunch of Okies! =) jk I love Oklahoma! Boomer Sooner!

Brandy@YDK said...

you are so funny. i'm not really a road rager - i just go with it but my husband? gonna get us shot one day.

Chell said...

I really do try to be patient... I am not a road rage person either, but wow, there are some idiots out there!! I just so had to vent this morning... LOL

Samantha said...

At least you did get a blinker while switching lanes. Around here, people forget that their blinker exists, and they believe in their brakes a little too much. I don't understand riding your brakes the whole way, to wherever you are going.

I've decided that there are only a handful of "good" drivers out there. The rest are dumb.

Di Easterly said...

I don't think I could ever deal with OKC traffic every day! I would go positively "nuckin futs!" LOL

Chell said...

Yes Di, I blame the traffic idiots for all my stress and insanity. LOL

You know the kind of traffic I am used to driving in...

Melissa said...

(popped over from BlogFrog. Hi!)

This post made my day! You must drive where I drive. Or is this universal?! Sad!!

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Drivers are crazy everywhere it seems. In the past year I have witness someone brushing her teeth while driving (No. I am not kidding.) and a woman was arrested in a nearby town for breastfeeding her infant while driving (no. I am not kidding, again.) Of course, it made for wonderful blog material, but really? Really? What are some people thinking?!?!