It's that time again...
So I have probably made it to the naughty blogger list....
Evidently I pissed some bloggers straight off...
How did I loose 6 followers over Christmas?
Well to those 6
I am waving with one finger right now
I am getting a bloggy make over soon.
So be ready....
I can't wait!
I have seen a draft.
It is bombdiggity.
Christmas is over.
This excites me.
In a round of dirty santa,
Jasper got a new blanket
I think he loves it...
The Hubs got an awesome new hat!
He wants to take the top off the jeep
and test out the hat...
I don't watch tv...
But Kobi and The Hubs are enjoying it, fo sho!
ALL I got out of it was this....

Take out the shelving....
Then put it all back.
Just so the system could be installed.
The smart box is in the back of the closet...
And evidently .... you have to get to it...
My neighbors never cease to amaze me....
There was a little holiday funnies going on
over the weekend....
This was one of them.

This week I am in "FREAK THE F%*@ OUT" mode
We have New Year's Eve to get ready for....
I have not recovered from Christmas though...
I am totally ready to get sloshed see all the
people of walmart costumes.
So who wants to come join us?
Well, I personally, like your naughty side! Don't worry about losing followers. I always tell myself that they must have dropped dead and their family members cancelled their blog account. That always makes me feel better about it!
Out of the frying pan, into the fire...from Christmas to New Years. At least I have a week to take decorations down!! And Jasper in his new blanket is just about the cutest thing EVER!
I say to those 6 bloggers...your loss suckers!
As much as I love Christmas I love getting my life, house and routine back more!
Thanks for inking up, have a very happy and safe New Year!
I lost a few followers too! They can suck it.
eh, it's easy to lose them, it's kind of like weight, easy to gain but hard to lose... well just reverse that, easy to lose followers but hard to gain :)
Well boo to the 6 followers you lost. You just gained another one :)
I'm so happy Christmas is over! I get way to stressed out over the holidays.
I think sometimes that those people leave becuz we just didn't click. I add people and read a while and there is just something missing. so I unfollow. I don't take it badly if they leave. What I don't like is follower that don't comment. I want readers and comments.
It's crazy the things that will cause followers to jump ship. I used to write little fiction pieces, but every time I did I'd lose a bunch of followers, so I stopped.
Your New Yeats party sounds fun. Take some pictures and share the costumes.
Sorry you lost some followers!!! My count goes up and down all the time. I've stopped paying much attention to it anymore! :o)
Obama Claus cracks me up!!! And I'm dying to see photos from your party!!! :o)
What? You lost 6 peeps? Holy hell! What happened? I'm with Sarah Kate. My count goes up and down too. I try not to pay too much attention to it. People will love you and then people will get stupid and delete you. Whatev.
Love hubby's hat! That's too funny! And your neighbor is cracking me up!
Thanks for linking up with us!! =)
your party sounds so fun! and boo hiss to losing followers. scrooges!
My followers keeps going down too. Everytime I look there is one less than the last time. WTH???
I'm a new follower of yours! And thanks for joining mine! :)
Love your hubby's hat. Looks like he should be ice fishing in Minnesota with a Hat like that! Haha
Your pup is adorable too on his blankie!
I'm alway gaining/losing followers don't know why hehe but I just write for me and my family really .. glad you had a good christmas and I hope your new year is not too stressful and you can enjoy it.
Thank you for following me :)
oh ya i forgot about the walmart party yay!!! can't wait to see pictures
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