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Today the linky is Ten Facts...
•Name - Rachelle Marie
•Nicknames - Chell Rach Chellybean Chellsie
•Any birth marks - Small light one on my ankle
•Hair color - Med Brown - some highlights still left in there...
•Natural hair color - Med Brown
•Eye color - Brown
•Height - 5’7”ish
•Mood - Blah
•Favorite color - Orange
•One Place You Want to Visit - Some place warm and sandy
•Love or lust - love
•Cats or dogs – Dog although I would also have a cat if the hubs wasn't allergic
•A few best friends or many regular friends - Many regular friends
•Television or internet - internet - I rarely watch tv
•Chinese or Indian food - Mexican or Italian!! - Chinese is ok
•Wild night out or romantic night in - really depends on the mood of the day...
•Money or Happiness - Happiness
•Night or day - Night
•MSN or phone - Phone
•Ever performed in front of a large crowd - Yes
•Ever done drugs - Nope
•Ever consumed alcohol- Yes
•Ever Been on a dance team - No, this white chick can not dance...
•Ever been on a sports team - Yes
•Ever been in a drama play/production - Yes
•Ever owned a BMW, Mercedes Benz, Escalade, Hummer or Bentley? - Nope .
•Ever been in a rap video? - Don't think so
•Last phone call you made - Kobi
•Last person you hung out with - About 5 or 6 of the guys from the neighborhood
•Last person you tackled - My daughter Kobi
•Last person you IM’d - Texted? My daughter Kobi
•Last person(s) you went to the movies with - I can't even remember the last time I went to the movies
•Last thing you missed - My lunch.... it's at home in the fridge
•Last thing you ate - Nestle Crunch Bar
•Last thing you ate - Nestle Crunch Bar
•Pierce your nose or tongue? - nose
•Be serious or be funny? - funny
•Drink whole or skim milk? - whole - neither really
•Spend time with your parents or enemies? - parents
•Spend time with your parents or enemies? - parents
•Simple or complicated? - Simple
•Flowers or candy? - Flowers
•Gray or black? - Black
•Color or Black and white photos? Black and White
•Sunrise or sunset? - Sunset
•Staying up late or waking up early? - I used to be an early bird... not now!! Staying up Late
•Sun or moon? - Sun
•Left or right? - Right
•Sun or rain? - Sun
•Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - Chocolate
•Vanilla or chocolate ice cream? - Chocolate
•Vodka or Jack Daniels? - Vodka
•Nervous Habits? I get snippy when I am nervous
•Are you double jointed? Yup, my knees
•Can you twist your tongue around and roll it? - yes
•Can you raise one eyebrow? - yes
•Can you cross your eyes? - yes
•Do you make your bed daily? - no - kind of... we pull the blankets up but we don't put the comforter and all the pillows on it and make it pretty everyday
•Which shoe goes on first? - the one I pick up first
•Ever thrown something at someone? - yes
On average, how much money do you carry with you? $20-40
•What jewelry do you wear? - Ring Necklaces Sometimes earring
•Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? I break it apart when I cook it so there is neither
•Have you ever eaten Spam? - Yup
•Have you ever eaten Spam? - Yup
•Favorite ice cream? - Daiquiri Ice, Peppermint, Pistachio Almond
•How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? 5
•What’s your favorite beverage? Dr Pepper
•Do you cook? Yes - LOVE to cook, hate to clean
•Do you cook? Yes - LOVE to cook, hate to clean
•Last Alcoholic Drink: Crown & Coke
•Last Car ride: Long? To Arkansas last summer
•Last Car ride: Long? To Arkansas last summer
•Last Movie watched: I don't watch movies very often